Families in Bloom offers personalized lactation services in the comfort of your home to empower mothers and families in their breastfeeding experience.
By providing you with one-on-one care, the most up to date and evidence based recommendations, and ongoing support your breastfeeding experience can meet your goals as you bond with your new baby.
Families in Bloom is in-network with Aetna Insurance, for other insurance carriers you will be provided with a receipt to submit for reimbursement. Mass Health clients may inquire about a sliding scale.
For families looking to learn about breastfeeding and the health benefits it provides. This visit can address the basics of breastfeeding as well as specific concerns related to you or your baby. $225
Follow Up
This visit is for families who have already been seen and would like additional help with ongoing concerns. $175/$150
Bottle/Breast Refusal
If your baby is having a hard time transitioning from breast to bottle or vice versa this visit will teach you skills to get you both where you need to be. $225/$200
Concierge Care
If you would like help with more than one feeding you can book a four or six hour block of time with me. During this visit we can work on nursing, pumping, alternating nursing positions, safe milk handling and storage, and prioritizing rest and recovery for you and your baby.
Initial Visit
This visit is perfect for families who are home after the birth of their little one and goes over latch, positioning, milk supply, weighted feed, oral assessment, pump use and sizing, and any other concerns you may have. $300/$250
For families who would like to learn everything about expressing milk for their little one and how that fits into their lifestyle. $200/$175
Weaning takes place at different times and for different reasons. In this visit we can explore ways to close this chapter of feeding in ways that align with your needs and goals. $125/$100